A Quark of A Different Spin. (adameros) wrote,
A Quark of A Different Spin.

Squirrelly Songs by Foamy the Squirrel:

I will kill you all
Nothing you can do about it.
I will kill you all
Nothing you can do about it.

Squirrelly wrath
Squirrelly wrath
Squirrelly wrath

You're all gonna die
You're all gonna die

Squirrelly wrath
Squirrelly wrath


I'm the Lord and Master
You all are bastards
Worship me
Or I'll stab out your eyes till you bleed.
I'm the Lord and Master


And so I'm
A squirrel
And you're not
How pathetic you are
So I'm
A aquirrel
And you're not
You're just human
How pathetic you are
You don't have a fluffy tail
You don't have Squirrelly Wrath
You just build to destroy
While I
Collect some nuts
And you all


My task for spinalplug is to get Death Guild to play anyone of those three songs. Try charm, if that fails use squirrelly wrath. And a fluffy tail.

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