111466 dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Outcast of Bone.
200silhouettes dressed as a bottle of Accellere, though it looked more like someone called "Mona Bolin", but you've never heard of them before.
27desember83 dressed as a catcher for the Blue Jays.
4strokekid dressed as a halfback for the Chiefs, and it suited them disturbingly well.
5foot3 dressed as your father.
5ft3 dressed as Sandra Bullock riding a elk.
7_pink_ray_guns dressed as the Heavy Power Ranger.
__dove dressed as the main character of "Citizen Kane".
_chas dressed as a lightning, and it suited them all too well.
_flyonthewall_ dressed as Tom Cruise.
_subterranean_ dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Hillary.
acidik dressed as a rat, though it looked more like the Violet Power Ranger.
adameros dressed as Optimus Prime, though it looked more like a new superhero: Lion Mistress.
agenthavok dressed as a 1960's hippie child.
akuma13 dressed as a sub-adjunct webmaster.
alcira gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a first baseman for the Angels.
allegedlyso gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a new superhero: Doc Zero.
also_huey dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Booger Pottyhiney", though it looked more like Maggie Simpson.
amadruadaboleyn dressed as Steven Spielberg, and it suited them disturbingly well.
amberite dressed as Bill Clinton.
annonymos dressed as a warm angel.
apneatic dressed as a evil human resources manager.
argoodman_photo dressed as a furious enema.
austininin dressed as a quarterback for the Broncos, and it suited them disturbingly well.
bageeena dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Jane.
becoming_anne dressed as the Lord of Cincinnati.
beevers dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Margarita, though it looked more like a spoon.
being_angyl didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
blu_occhio dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Tree's Cyclone.
bodhicephus dressed as a Gene's Technology employee.
bohemianbabe dressed as the Hot Power Ranger.
boyishgirl dressed as Butt-head.
broken_gizmo dressed as Abraham Lincoln.
brokenchains dressed as Optimus Prime.
brokencrown dressed as a Border-Curry, Corp. employee.
brokendollhead dressed as a new superhero: Z- Victory.
brokenglasseyes dressed as a mummy.
brokenreel dressed as something cold, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
captainsodium dressed as the Archbishop of Bolfemoline.
chauffeurs dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Amy.
chrishaas dressed as a 1990's grunge child.
clawed dressed as a bottle of Letashgran.
command_four forgot to put on clothes!
crashtestcase dressed as a skeleton.
crista dressed as the equator, though it looked more like Ted Williams.
crysknife dressed as Martha Stewart.
cyanidelove8 dressed as a third baseman for the Orioles, and it suited them all too well.
cynical5679 dressed as your grandfather.
dandy_lion dressed as Darth Vader.
dark_happiness dressed as Rebecca Romijn riding a raccoon.
dasium dressed as a character from "Strangers on a Train".
davor didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
decayingechoes dressed as Halle Berry, though it looked more like Tom Clancy.
digitalexhib dressed as Kate Moss's mother-in-law.
digitalretina dressed as a ferret.
dissolvedgirl dressed as a alternative specialization, though it looked more like a hellsent ghost.
divamatrix dressed as a Svensson-Tang & Co. Railroad, Ltd. employee.
djmermaid dressed as a Level 3 fighter.
dk dressed as a tape.
docbrite gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as the Duke of Benjamindale.
doyenne dressed as Naomi Campbell riding a rat.
dream_invasion dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Greasy Bananahead".
drowningskin dressed as a character from "12 Angry Men".
drugaddict dressed as James Garfield.
dstroy dressed as the love child of Jerry Seinfeld and Chandra Levy.
earningtails dressed as a 1960's hippie child.
ehash dressed as the Cardinal of Adam Creek.
elisharene dressed as Woodrow Wilson.
elnigma didn't dress up, spoilsport.
emeraldmyst dressed as the Earl of Certcafyac.
entropyerika dressed as the Lord of Poplarville.
ercasam_epar dressed as a Care Bear.
eva268 dressed as Connie Chung.
evalove dressed as a new superhero: Terra- Ape.
evilbaron dressed as a Tami Cooley RailroadIncorporated employee.
eyema dressed as something angry, but what, specifically, you can't tell, and it suited them disturbingly well.
ezirith dressed as someone called "Isabella Singletary", but you've never heard of them before.
faeriez forgot to put on clothes!
fanless dressed as someone called "Mark Gaudry", but you've never heard of them before.
fantasygoat dressed as Osama bin Laden.
fayster dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Ungrateful Specialist.
fd_midori didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
felisarcanum dressed as a Level 5 thief.
five_ones dressed as Jaime Pressly riding a chicken.
forfuckssake dressed as the love child of Harrison Ford and Nicole Kidman.
freak_epiphany dressed as a absence.
fugged dressed as a MayandonwareInc. employee.
garbge315 dressed as Optimus Prime.
george_w_bush dressed as a senior information technology secretary.
girl_on_a_stick dressed as a bottle of Zolrac, though it looked more like a new superhero: Hyper- Freak.
godspeaks dressed as a vampire.
hakea dressed as Chekov from "Star Trek".
halcyonpink dressed as a beard.
happykt dressed as Kim Possible.
hardcorewhore dressed as the Teal Power Ranger.
harmonic_melody dressed as Kevin Costner.
hec8e dressed as a Level 7 fighter.
hepkitten dressed as a new superhero: Composite Ricochet.
hereticalpigeon dressed as a WIKJtech, Ltd. employee.
heteroclitic dressed as a new superhero: Ms. Person.
hi_fi gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Model Skull.
hiddendances dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
hohumgal dressed as a Level 5 wizard.
hokulani didn't dress up, spoilsport.
honahtails dressed as a linebacker for the Seahawks.
humpingtails dressed as Oscar De La Hoya.
hyperseth dressed as a rook.
iconoclastcrack dressed as Meg Ryan.
iliana22 dressed as a giraffe.
inacorner dressed as your grandmother, though it looked more like a outfielder for the Pirates.
inmyeye dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Sarcastic Contender.
innergayman didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
interdictor dressed as Madonna.
irishlinc dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh.
is_love_ dressed as Ted Williams, and it suited them all too well.
jagged dressed as the love child of Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey.
jahschwa dressed as a new superhero: Machine Flea.
jameth dressed as a Whiteburg Old Herald Newspaper employee.
jason42070 dressed as a senior dead chicken waver.
jbroughton dressed as a 1990's grunge child.
jeffbuckley dressed as a safety for the Bills.
jennygarp dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Ring of Water.
jeramey dressed as Jennifer Aniston.
just_jason dressed as a total juice.
justmadabout dressed as Rudy Giuliani riding a elk.
jwz dressed as Tiffani-AmberThiessen, though it looked more like a Care Bear.
kaizersoze124_ dressed as a fan.
kaizersoze2 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
karina dressed as Hurricane Jerome, though it looked more like something concrete, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
karlito1984 dressed as a bottle of Formzar.
katieshrike dressed as Osama bin Laden.
kencam dressed as a grateful ghost.
kevissimo gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as Connie Chung.
kiana dressed as a hedgehog.
kim_jong_il__ dressed as LeAnn Rimes.
kim_spiracy dressed as your sister.
kistler dressed as someone called "Lydia Davidson", but you've never heard of them before.
kittenlacey dressed as a lethargic world.
kittu dressed as Guy Pearce.
koffertt dressed as the King of Netherlands, though it looked more like Trent Reznor.
koshershikseh didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
kristyandjosh dressed as a character from "Cool Hand Luke", though it looked more like a bottle of Eqomax.
kriti_and_jimmi dressed as the Governor of Kansas.
krysterella dressed as Hurricane Lowell.
kumimonster didn't dress up, spoilsport.
latnerb dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Marjorie.
laurabelle dressed as a red witch.
laurakin dressed as a pixie.
le_pussie forgot to put on clothes!
liar_fair dressed as Worf from "Star Trek".
lifeisstatic dressed as Mace Windu.
lillian_green dressed as Thomas Jefferson.
littlebush dressed as Nicole Richie.
littlerivet dressed as a Knightware employee.
losergirl dressed as someone called "Kaitlyn Doud", but you've never heard of them before.
luxnightmare dressed as Harry Potter.
luxton didn't dress up, spoilsport.
lyk3_omgz dressed as your father.
mad_shepherd dressed as Anna Kournikova.
magray dressed as the Cardinal of Giguere.
maigremeg dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Flunky Burgerlips".
martinpaling dressed as your mother-in-law.
mattshawproblem dressed as a bottle of Impviaushoid.
maxmin dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Stinky Burgersprinkles".
maxthecat dressed as a cuddly zombie.
mayorjim dressed as the Moral Power Ranger.
meglet dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Lazy-assed Swami.
melgirl dressed as a buffalo.
metaphorge dressed as the Duke of Matneolon.
metaphoto dressed as Jennifer Aniston.
mgnalan_mango dressed as a pitcher for the Rockies.
millax dressed as a goblin.
miss_plini dressed as Optimus Prime.
mistress_elaine dressed as a copper adventure.
monoandy dressed as Harry S Truman.
moonthink dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
more_light didn't dress up, spoilsport.
mortalcity dressed as the Yellow Power Ranger.
mscaution dressed as Tinkerbell.
murkyangel dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
murphy59 dressed as Harry S Truman.
mymichelle dressed as a XARI Railroad, Inc. employee.
mythique gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as Butt-head.
n2kaja dressed as the Plain Power Ranger.
nakedchatter dressed as Mark McGwire.
naughtyjezebel dressed as a bottle of Topmoodiol.
naughtynymph dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Zsa-Zsa Toadtoes".
neevel dressed as Dick Cheney.
nephandijukebox dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh.
neverneverfic dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
nialavender dressed as a second baseman for the A's.
nicstaru2 dressed as Annika Sorenstam riding a cow.
nobodobodon dressed as the President of Pakistan.
notsuchapatriot dressed as Scotty from "Star Trek".
nut_and_blossom dressed as Worf from "Star Trek", and it suited them disturbingly well.
ohsweetnothin dressed as Harry Potter.
oihanen dressed as a Level 8 bard.
omake_don dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Slate Dwarf.
omniflux dressed as a interpretation.
origamipetals dressed as Charlie Palmer.
paradoxology dressed as Dick Cheney.
pausebreak dressed as something orange, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
peachy_pie dressed as a vampire.
penguingrrl didn't dress up, spoilsport.
perfidiousba didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
perforation dressed as the Easy Power Ranger.
perpetualfog forgot to put on clothes!
photosphere didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
phreaky dressed as Captain Picard from "Star Trek".
pianoscry dressed as the Archbishop of Cidroeamide, and it suited them all too well.
pink_emulsion dressed as the President of Tunisia.
pinkbunny09 dressed as the President of Barbados.
pixie_pseudonym dressed as Anna Nicole Smith.
plaidsugarkill dressed as Professor Frink.
pleasuremachine dressed as Faith Hill's cousin.
prettypunkpixie dressed as the President of Pitcairn Islands.
prettypurplebra dressed as Bill Clinton.
psycho_smurf666 dressed as something sympathetic, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
psychospiffe dressed as a part-time webmaster.
purpletres dressed as Optimus Prime.
pushshove dressed as the Dead Power Ranger.
quizdeeeva dressed as a alibi.
rachbomb dressed as a quiet capital, though it looked more like an iMac.
randomsmom dressed as the love child of Conan O'Brien and Tipper Gore.
ratspike dressed as the Governor of South Carolina.
rayhje dressed as a goblin.
realafterglow dressed as Matt Hasselbeck.
red_productions dressed as the Governor of Minnesota.
redstickman didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
redthumb dressed as Aquaman.
rekked dressed as a deer.
reneevashtinova dressed as a elk.
renwick dressed as Reese Witherspoon's father.
rianrenee dressed as the Governor of Tennessee.
rinijisushie dressed as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
risquewritings dressed as James Madison.
rivgrr dressed as Chekov from "Star Trek".
rivv dressed as a badger.
robont2 dressed as a diplomat from Finland.
roguefishfood dressed as a badger.
rowanwinter dressed as the Lord of Qualispoxvir.
rzbryicet dressed as someone called "Latoya Kuhn", but you've never heard of them before.
rzr_grl dressed as a condom.
sabrinathecrazy dressed as a SEVA FarmsCorp. employee.
saizai dressed as Chester A. Arthur.
sassy_kinky dressed as the love child of Joe Montana and Susan Lucci.
sativaleaf dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Master Warrior.
sausage_boy dressed as Tipper Gore.
scoutie dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Amanda, and it suited them all too well.
serendella dressed as Tyra Banks's grandmother.
sessuale dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
sex_slavexxx dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
shadowsdogs dressed as a witch.
shenosoke dressed as the main character of "Magnolia".
sio dressed as a referee, though it looked more like Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
siwwy_wabbit dressed as something sea, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
skrape dressed as the Earl of Zonexas.
slave_kitty dressed as a raccoon.
smorewhore dressed as a computer.
snallison dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Vulgar Ninja.
soshesays dressed as the love child of Tobey Maguire and Oprah Winfrey, though it looked more like Metallica.
spiderdust dressed as Wile E. Coyote.
spinalplug dressed as a computer.
spinozany dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Booger Stinkertush".
spiritlove dressed as a 1970's disco child, and it suited them all too well.
sportfuckers dressed as a witch.
spr0cket dressed as someone called "Maurice Bruehl", but you've never heard of them before.
spray_of_petals dressed as a invitation.
ssha dressed as Tiffani-AmberThiessen.
stagewhore dressed as a Level 10 wizard.
starlightsail dressed as a resistance.
stephogroove dressed as a cup of coffee.
stonemirror dressed as Barbra Streisand.
streetcorners dressed as a sub-adjunct system administrator.
subdivide dressed as a pixie.
suburbanbohemia dressed as a institution.
suck_my_nya dressed as the Earl of Lower Osborn.
suddenlee dressed as a pitcher for the Pirates.
sultry_autocrat dressed as Denzel Washington.
supergirl_04 dressed as a Agius-France, Incorporated employee.
supersoaker dressed as a prickly mummy.
synapsepi dressed as Angelina Jolie.
tender_star dressed as Sandra Bullock.
thadragonfly dressed as Daria.
the_artsy_porno dressed as a deer, though it looked more like Ricky Martin's grandmother.
the_kaeru dressed as Martin Van Buren, though it looked more like a CIB Design employee.
tidesong dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Vulgar Genius.
timidangel dressed as a mummy.
tofubravado dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Flute of Blood.
tony_soprano dressed as something honest, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
torilove dressed as Optimus Prime.
turpentine_kiss dressed as a devil.
tyrsalvia dressed as a Grenier-Sanchez Stores employee.
underlyingheart dressed as a quarterback for the Packers.
uninterrupted dressed as the Governor of Florida.
upagainst dressed as a direct goblin, and it suited them all too well.
urbandivision dressed as Ricky Martin's aunt.
us_naked dressed as the Governor of New Hampshire, and it suited them all too well.
vaginadialogue dressed as Jenny McCarthy.
vehemently dressed as Christy Turlington.
victoria_lane dressed as Jennifer Aniston's mother.
visioluxus dressed as a raccoon, though it looked more like Halle Berry.
wlltchforfood dressed as Frylock.
woeful_poetess dressed as the love child of Steven Spielberg and Janeane Garofalo.
xamichee dressed as a 1980's yuppie child.
xcornycorncornx dressed as John F. Kennedy.
xeroproject dressed as a quarterback for the Buccaneers.
yiab dressed as the main character of "High Noon".
zakureth dressed as a lesson.
zoe_trope dressed as Tiffani-AmberThiessen.
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